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a logical consequence of our visits with the participants of the program
Hidden Tour,
we started bringing assistance to the citizens:

the initial
program, is helping health care and basic food


social donation

125 family

some residents to help us distribute basic food aid
through the cart


Musholah development

a place where
people pray and also for meeting with the citizens
to discuss issues.
Mushollah leader was writing notes
what we provide our assistance to Mushollah

We visited the residents who need help and assistance

Mushollah Al bahri

still need help for a place to learn to pray for the children,
as well as
our meeting place along with the children
We hope you can help us

Shamsuddin family provides direct financial assistance to the caretaker
of the orphanage
in the village of Luar Batang in North Jakarta

Shamsuddin family provides direct financial assistance
to managers Mushollah Al Muhajeroon
