
Kami menerima bantuan dana dari 50% surplus dari program Jakarta Hidden Tour, tetapi juga kami menerima bantuan langsung dari donatur pribadi, sementara ini kami tidak menerima bantuan dari perusahaan atau lembaga yang membuat beberapa syarat yang belum dapat kami setujui
We received support from 50% surplus of Jakarta Hidden Tour program, but we also receive direct assistance from private donors
Jakarta Hidden Tour participants can be seen in J o u r n a l s which means that each participant has contributed

The following below are the individuals and groups who directly provide assistance, although separate from the program but generally after joining the program Jakarta Hidden Tour

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Margot D (Germany) , general purpose; Support for Dahlia informal school: Karen Gill and Hannah Gaborit (Australia) , raised some more money for the school

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support the Dahlia informal school:
David, Annie, Darcy, Charlie, Bronte, Hannah, Kynan, Luca & Mimi (Australia);

special emergency support after the train people evicted:
Chrissyandjono [Australia];
Scott (Australia) & Sari (Indonesia);
Rachel & Ted [Australia];
Marco Giovanelli (Italy)

Rudy Tuahunse (Indonesia),

general & specific support:
Gateway College (Norway)
Dahlia informal school support:
Cheryl McKenzie [Australia];
special support the orphanage and Mushollah:
Keluarga Shamsuddin (Singapore)